This isn’t actually depicting heaven, it’s depicting hell for persons of colour
Heaven and hell isn’t for “good” or “bad” people. It’s for believers and non-believers.
You can be the most “good” person ever, but if you don’t believe in “God” (or Jesus, or whatever) you’re not going to heaven.
Inversely, you could be literally Hitler + Mao and genocide an entire population… but as long as you REALLY believe in Jesus and repent seconds before you die! (or whatever figurative loophole probably exists in your religion of choice).
So if I hit some pearly gates when I die, sign me up for Hell please…
I guess I just agree with your statement… but take mild issue with “good”.
Hell was never a thing in the abraham religions in the first place. The closest thing to it Sheol in the old testament, and that’s just what they called the earth you’re buried in.
The Lake of Fire is actually a happening beach resort run by Satan’s failson. He calls himself the antichrist: his name is Doug.
I know that’s what you have read but it may not be true. :)
I believe our task here is to try and become better people, better souls. And that our choices every day matters a lot more than we think.
I don’t believe in a vengeful god at all. I don’t think anyone gets punished, even evil people. Because evil creates what some people need to evolve here in this realm.
To me it makes sense it’s more of a school for souls. Everything I see around me represents suffering, because that’s how we learn to overcome it and grow. It’s an evil place because people make it so, in order to grow.