Yeah, we doing Facebook-tier ass discussion now. It’s my social media of choice as an old bumpkin who doesn’t do the Twitter or Tiktoks
If any of you buttholes picks Cena, you’re dead to me. Definitely keeping Lithgow but number two is a stumper.
Bob Dylan working the return counter at Patagonia
We gotta take it back
Beat all to hell, but we gotta take it back
That was such a fucking incredible bit. I am giggling like an idiot just at you referencing it.
I’ve been saying it to myself since I heard it and chuckling multiple times a day
got Sausalito cookies at the grocery store last time too lmao (p good! bit pricey for me for how many you get tho)
“Playin’ a show in Sausalitooooo California… Jacob’s runnin’ the merch table. He asked me, ‘pa, can I play the opening set?’ and I told him, 'boy you just sit there and sell them tshirts”
We love our Trillbillies, don’t we folks??