It is slavery, as allowed for under the US constitution:
It’s not involuntary, though. They have to apply for the program, and can stop if they want.
Just like you can quit your job any time you want?
Damn the consequences or any repercussions. Because there’s always the freedom of being destitute.
Unless no one volunteers. Then they’re forced to do it upon threat of torture and further loss of rights, and usually more prison time added.
There is nothing voluntary about labor coerced.
Prisoners have limited rights to refuse anything. They are not fairly compensated for theor work and in other states the prisons “loan” prisoners to companies to do work who pay the prisons for this work.
It’s slavery. The USA never banned slavery for prisoners. It’s literally in the 14th amendment.
Wrong. They are slaves under the 13th amendment of the US, which explicitly allows slavery as punishment for a crime. Some more on this:
The US currently operates a system of slave labor camps, including at least 54 prison farms involved in agricultural slave labor. Outside of agricultural slavery, Federal Prison Industries operates a multi-billion dollar industry with ~ 52 prison factories , where prisoners produce furniture, clothing, circuit boards, products for the military, computer aided design services, call center support for private companies. 1, 2, 3
- The US has the highest incarceration rates in the world. Even individual US states outrank all other countries.