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I understand that the thread has mostly lost its heat but nonetheless I’m going to leave this here. This my understanding of dirty talking, as it should be: respectful, teasing, uplifting and full of promise.

I write as a hobby and dialogue is something I enjoy writing, as I’m often able to have things said through the characters in my stories that otherwise I would never be able to muster the slightest ounce of courage to utter.

Picture the following dialogue between a couple that has already hooked up but is now actively socializing, taking part of a salon game along the lines of “truth or dare” or “never would I ever”. At this point, things have become somewhat raunchy, so the mood is up.

“You consider yourself good in bed?”

“I don’t keep score cards.”

“You should. I’d give you a solid 8 after last night.”

“You were just as involved as I was.”


“From where I was standing, yes.”

“Standing, sitting, knealing… you did propped up yourself for the task.”

“I try. Thank you.”

“Wanna try for the 10 a little later?”

“How about an 11?”

There is a lot of background missing but this is the couple teasing each other, whispering at each other, after someone asked if a person, who boasts constantly for having a lot of hookups, if they consider themselves good in bed.


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