They really take the PoE cheating seriously.
Elon did a live stream playing the new Path of Exile game. His character was one of the top 20 ranked in the game. He has bragged about being the best on several games. Anyway, it was obvious to everyone watching that he knew very little about how the game actually worked. He finally confessed this week that he pays other people play the character for him, but also claimed that all the top players do it.
Oh, right. Yeah, I saw that video, he (allegedly) didn’t know the basics of map navigation and wouldn’t pickup good drops.
I’m willing to believe that some of the top players might do it, but how many of them brag to the public about how highly they’re ranked and how good they are at the game while barely knowing how to play it?
Let’s be real, who’s good enough at the game to be able to rank someone else’s account up to the top levels without themselves being at the top levels?