Important note: 497 participated in the poll. Still seems statistically like a good sample and am happy about the result!
Source: https://www.berlingske.dk/politik/new-poll-shows-overwhelming-majority-of-greenlanders-reject-trump
I understand this is a joke and all, but this is about 1% of the population. I don’t know how easily Greenlanders have access to the internet and such and how this was distributed, but I actually think 1% is not a bad turnout here
Most Greenlanders have access to the internet. Although the percentage isn’t as high as most places in Europe or north America (I assume because of geography).
If the polling organizer did its job correctly and removed bias from their sampling, a beautiful law in statistics has been proven, stating that small-ish samples are representative of the whole population if it follows e.g. a normal distribution. It’s called “law of large numbers”.
Is 500 really big enough to get a proper spread though? Iirc my statistics course (which i don’t all that well tbf) you need a pretty significant sample still, would think a few thousand at least
497 more than 1% of Greenland’s voting population. For larger populations the rule of thumb is generally 1000 people for a good poll, 500 for a decent one.