Motorola One. Cost me 200 bucks four years ago. Claims to be water resistant, but I’ve dropped it in the lake about a dozen times and accidentally tossed it in the washing machine once (I got it out right away.) It hasn’t so much as frozen since buying it and the battery can still go about two days without a charge.
It’s called the Moto One. Motorola doesn’t make phones. Lenovo makes those, they bought the Motorola mobility brand years ago.
Oh my stars and garters, was I not specific with my words? Am I ignorant to which company has acquired other companies so I can be as technical as possible?
Or did I buy this phone, the one I’m typing on now, from the Motorola website, and it came in a box covered in motorola branding? How absolutely idiotic of me to assume Moto was short for Motorola.
I can not believe I was this wrong on the internet. The damage I’ve done to the collective knowledge of everyone who’s seen my comment, who didn’t know any better, can never be healed.