I guess all the “Genocide Joe” commenters aren’t getting paid to skew the election anymore, so they won’t be here to comment.
Isn’t Trump’s middle name James? Genocide James works. And you could Photoshop him trying to look cool, like dark Brandon. But obviously just sad like some 60 year old trying to look cool at the barbeque and failing miserably, but even worse because he’s older… And trump.
Bro did you see that articicle about the x whistleblower and how elon influenced the election
Or, and this is crazy, Biden could have earned more votes for the DNC by using the Leahy Law and requiring Israel to stop committing war crimes if they wanted to continue to receive military aid.
Almost like it’s the responsibility of parties and politicians to earn votes in a democratic system. Not the duty of voters to vote for the “correct” party, which is what you see codified in Authoritarian governments. The writers of our Constitution specifically said the reason for having elections so often was to make sure politicians were responsible to the people, not the other way around.
So the more you try to blame the voters, the more you make them not want to vote blue.
Most of the genocide Joe commenters were russian bots. Those left were fooled by them.
I’m here. Biden is a genocidal monster, and nothing Trump can do will change that fact.
So you don’t think Biden was complicit in the genocide? The one he funded?
I only started using the term after the election, I wish I was paid. It’s crazy how I’m expected to shut up about it for the next 4 years. Apparently, asking the dems to change their stance on genocide of everything is too much and everyone would rather stick their head in the sand. The moment someone enables it just a bit more then them, they get none of the blame and we get to wait through 4 years of shit just for them to give us literally the same stance.
Both parties enable it and are complicit. Defending either on the subject is clear bootlicking imo.
No one is defending either on the subject. We are simply stating that one is WORSE than the other by an order of magnitude. Honestly, how can you not see that?
It’s not just that he’s much worse it’s that some people somehow expected him to be better?!?
Not only that, but if you took them at their word, that donvict and Kamala would have been the eXaCtSaMe on Gaza, then that issue is cancelled out and you have to weigh all the other policy positions, and even then, it is clear that donvict is a TERRIBLE choice compared to Kamala.
They have no excuse. None.
His comment implies anyone speaking disfavorably about the dems stance on genocide is somehow a paid shill.
Read the rest of the comments. It’s always the same thing. The dems lost because the voters got manipulated into thinking genocide was something to draw a line over. Well it fucking was. I still think not voting and voting for Trump of all people is massively stupid but I hate the message we are sending.
Trump isn’t worse, he’s the same on it. We shouldn’t be calling them anything other then Genocide Joe and Genocide Trump. Biden did a lot of good but his whole legacy is not breaking with genocide.
We have 4 years to exert pressure and make sure the next candidate isn’t a mossad and wallstreet plant. Instead we are infighting like peasants and trying are hardest to not hold the politicians who are suppose to represent us accountable.
There are a disturbing number of people in this thread who feel that condemning Democrats is more important than worrying about what is about to happen to Palestinians.
As if you folks were using genocide as a tool. And it’s pretty hard to read.
condemning Democrats is more important than worrying about what is about to happen to Palestinians.
Well, if we want to take it this way…
Yes, Trump’s open declaration of supporting a genocide in Palestine is just as bad as when Biden did it. They are both fucking ghouls, and I hope they both join Kissinger, Reagan, and Thatcher soon.
When you dismiss people condemning the democrats, you essentially send the message that enabling genocide is okay.
I see attacking the voters as a zionist dog whistle, to desensitize on the subject and low key make genocide something that can be overlooked for the “right” reasons.
Insulting to be said I’m using it as a tool. Every thread about it, there’s multiple comments talking about the voters and using them as a scapegoat. I’m just responding to them. If I’m using it as a tool, so are you. And you are a lot more vocal about it then me.