Death is too short of sentence
It’s a crowbar, not a flamethrower. Pick your targets, avoid the head and soft tissue/core areas. Have fun.
Well then you don’t have a strong sense of survival or justice. That’s ok. You can weave baskets while I do it. Everybody has a place.
And now you are missing the part where I state that I will fight, both for me and others. I refuse to butcher others, like the criminals we are denouncing, not to fight them.
Criminal law doesn’t work on Nazis. They control the courts. Very few non violent options left I’m afraid.
Try this: fascists.
The German National Party is no more.
There is a difference between resorting to force to push down and cull the scum trying to topple the world and resorting to violence like they are, to butcher those they see as worthless, unfit, different.
Force, not violence.