I blame them most of all. They saw what was at stake and still demanded perfection on every issue, nitpicked, sowed division, and acted like we were having a totally different election where “not Trump” was an actual entry on the ballot (it wasn’t).
At least the Trump voters were honest about their intentions.
And I’ll never forgive the pundits and social media commenters who derailed conversations about how the Dems tone-deaf campaigning (e.g. promising the most lethal military in the world, Liz Cheney, etc.) was going to make some voters stay home and risked losing the election, very much like how the Dems blew elections in 2016 and 2004. Whining about alienating your own voters is like a football team whining about their opponents scoring too many points when they should be firing their head coach.
e; and before it even comes up, I voted straight ticket Dem and have done so my whole life because there is nothing I want more than the total collapse of the Republican party
My pet theory is actually that Bernie helped, rather than gutted HRC/Biden. Through his primary campaign so many young people became convinced to vote Democrat. Even if Berniebros were disappointed, most of them still voted for a Democrat in the general election.
One thing you could really see in this election was that confused progressives moved to Trump (or stayed home) after a successful misinformation campaign. Would have been far harder for that misinformation to find a home, if progressive voters had already voted in the Democratic primary, and their preferred candidate had pointed them to the winner of the primary.
You could even see this on the GOP side. Because Hailey supported Trump, almost no GOP voters defected in the general election which ultimately resulted in the complete failure of the Democratic strategy.
TLDR: primaries with a wide variety of choices are extremely helpful in the General election.
The worst part of it a lot of us did that, a lot of us do that every time. What if that isn’t enough anymore. What if you give people the option between a marginally untasteful option and a shit sandwich and they just choose the sandwich anyway.
We cannot forgive them all we want but what if this is the new real. They keep doing the same thing and it keeps coming out really close. Maybe we need to do something different.
“And I’ll never forgive the pundits and social media commenters who derailed conversations about how the Dems tone-deaf campaigning”
“Whining about alienating your own voters is like a football team whining about their opponents scoring too many points when they should be firing their head coach.”
At some point in-fighting doesn’t help and you need to commit to the game plan. Getting Biden to drop out was obviously the right choice. Whining about Dems being too moderate is just making everyone discontent. For anyone who was building up anger towards the Dems instead of advocating for decency, fuck ALL THE WAY off.
And they’re still trying to justify it, because preventing this shit wasn’t exciting enough or something. I don’t give the Democrats a pass on fucking the dog this cycle, but the voters knew what was on the table and choose not to vote against it and that’s so much worse imo. They let one or two issues condemn entire groups of marginalized people, and still cry BoTh SiDeS.
one or two issues
Damn, I wonder what it was about the outreach to these people that failed. The Democratic attitude of addressing issues by minimizing or dismissing voter’s legitimate issues couldn’t possibly depress voter turnout. /s
Fucking neoliberal brain-rot.
I definitely blame those the cast their vote for Trump the most, because they literally voted for him. I blame non voters a close second.
That’s a false narrative. The people who stayed home weren’t the ones “demanding” anything. The ones making demands were almost entirely the ones who understood that other people would stay home. Your attacking people like me who were outraged by the actions of the Biden administration and the incompetency of the Kamala campaign, both because of the horrors they represent, and because we knew the vote would be suppressed. I voted for Kamala, but she let me down.
The people who stay home aren’t the left wing activists, they are the apolitical schmucks who don’t even consider voting until the week or day of the election.
That’s not an honest evaluation of reality. Its both leftwing activists and apolitical schmucks. And FUCK THEM BOTH.
Top names on that list are Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic political consultants who destroyed her campaign.
Such a reactionary take. There’s a more than good chance the election was manipulated through voter suppression and purges. If we continue to look to the past and blame each other for failing to prevent Trump, the fascists will continue to use that to their advantage. There will be many Trump voters that were misinformed that want to resist, we must welcome the support. To get through this and move forward positively, we must look past grievances and work together.
There will be many Trump voters that were misinformed that want to resist, we must welcome the support.
There must be a path to redemption. It’s there for anyone who wants to take it.
To get through this and move forward positively, we must look past grievances and work together.
While this is true, that path to redemption has to be taken first. Until then, my grievances stand firm.
It also assumes the outcome of our election was ever going to be fair, as if the captured Supreme Court wouldn’t have intervened in a close election to give Trump the presidency anyway. Harris needed a landslide victory to have a chance to avoid the election getting stolen, and by August it was clear she could not get one.
Emotionally I’m not inclined to place another iota of effort into politics. I feel like I’ve wasted 20 years of my life obsessing over it.
And with that I have zero desire to forgive anyone even slightly responsible for Trump’s victory. I don’t owe anyone shit, I did not choose to be born.
I am the exact same.
8 years, as I only started caring about politics when I saw Trump stamping his little feet over all of the progress we had made after Obama.
Now, I’m ready to watch this shit burn. Fuck it. I’ve got my one way ticket ready for when it truly goes to hell.