I have problems with people who abstained. The hard thing is, how do you change voter behavior?
From my perspective, as someone who didn’t have a vote in US politics and wanted you guys to vote to kick the can down the road until next time, but also understood the sentiment of those who didn’t bother, it wasn’t a belief that Trump would do any better so much as a loss in faith that the Democrats were who they claimed to be.
When hope dies, it might be replaced by despair, anger, and desperation, or it might be replaced by apathy.
And while that was going on, there was also propaganda going on where people were trying to push the idea that Trump would be any better. I don’t believe that there were a significant number of voters who voted for Trump or stayed home because they believed that to be true.
Right now, it looks like the main conflicts about this I’m seeing on this platform are those with hope trying to rally the troops, while those with anger are mainly upset at those with apathy.