At the very least it’s harm reduction.
Harris wouldn’t be trying to dismantle the government right now if she had won.
Harm reduction is great, but if I do not see a candidate that represents me I am not going to vote.
Why would I support someone that is fucking me over?
If I had the final say in who gets to be president I might have picked Harris, but honestly, your vote is not going to change the outcome of the election, so why compromise your morality?
So you won’t vote until you find a candidate that perfectly incarnates what you want? You realize that might be quite hard to reach? I could maybe understand in certain situations, but when the choice is between any random shitty politician and the fucking antichrist, best friend of one of most notorious pedophile ever, that explicitly stated he wants to be dictator and destroy democracy, I think you might want to consider making an exception. But I guess you wont have that problem anymore since the chances you get ever asked to vote again are really small IMO.
I mean the bar is not high. But Harris was literally throwing the election, her campaign was based entirely on not being Trump and she didn’t offer anything substantial to the american people. Trump won for a reason. And you didn’t vote for Harris either, you voted against Trump.
The chances I will be asked to vote in the american elections are, indeed, small, but not for the reason you think. I referred to americans that did not vote as “they” for a reason.
What a bunch of self serving bullshit. You and everyone else who decided to sit on their ass instead of voting for the better but but perfect candidate are responsible for everything Trump is doing right now.
Not voting isn’t going to somehow get you better choices. It’s not like we get a do-over if everyone stays home.
I am not responsible for what Trump is doing. But you, if you voted for Biden, are responsible for the genocide in Gaza. And you would have been responsible for what happened under Harris, and let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be much different.