You can fool around as much as you may want to but you can’t have penetrative sex, of any kind.

What would be your strategy to still enjoy some sexy time?

I would personally resort to heavy petting and mutual masturbation.

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@RBWellsV23 sounds both tortuous and delicious. It’s a long long time since I actually had a dream that resulted in me cumming, such a nice way to wake up but even then, I imagine it just makes you all the more hungry for penetration?

1 point

I thought it was just a standard girl thing but more sex makes more sex drive? Maybe that is more individual. I made it (except for the dreams) but more of a drag than a tease overall I would say, especially the trying not to get turned on.

But it didn’t break anything long term, sex drive came through fine we still have sex every day, years later. I do get the dreams sometimes still, always have but not so often, a few times a year? Yes it’s nice to wake up and do it again!


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