He said speaking up during the address was the best way “get across to a person who uses his incivility, who uses his incivility against our civility.”
Why didn’t every Democrat step forward and PHYSICALLY bar him from being removed. They just sat there and let him be ejected. STAND THE FUCK UP
I thought the same thing. Then I thought about how powerful of a visual it would have been for each one of them, in turn, to cause a disruption and be escorted out. Let the cameras pan over a half filled chamber after 2 hours of meticulous protesting. That image would be in history books 100 years from now, assuming we all survive the next 4.
Trump is an old fart. He’s not going to stand up there for 6 hours speaking. If, one-by-one, every Democrat made a scene and got walked out they would’ve been there until midnight and Trump having gotten through almost none of his speech.
Not saying I disagree with your premise.
However, there are some strange brew rules that come into play depending on the #of reps in attendance in the house. You dwindle the dem #s enough and you end up allowing the reps the ability to run amok with the kinds of legislation they’re salivating to pass.
I’m sure this was at top of mind for some of the folks in attendance.
You dwindle the dem #s enough and you end up allowing the reps the ability to run amok with the kinds of legislation they’re salivating to pass.
That’s why there’s also quorum rules. There has to be a minimum of X% of the congresspeople present for anything to count and I’m 99.9% certain that all of the Dems leaving would bring the number present under that even if every single Republican was present.
I kept waiting for it! For a moment, I had a swell of hope that they were going to force the Sargeant at Arms to remove them one by one, or else block Al from being removed, something, anything with a little fucking Chutzpah, but nope. They all just sat down, shut up, and waved their stupid little signs. Good job guys, I can’t wait to see your next fundraising text.
It reminded me, very randomly, of quote from a book about urban design and how architectural ideas are introduced and accepted by the public… or not.
From this the “principle of the second man” can be formulated: it is the second man who determines whether the creation of the first man will be carried forward or destroyed…
It was a golden chance and a room full of cowards let it slip.
The book is Design of Cities by Edmund Bacon for anyone interested.
people who criticize dems from their sofa are the secret spinless trump supporters
How’s that party whip taste? Sounds like you’d do well in an authoritarian one-party state as long as the party pretends to be in partial agreement with you.
I hear Shanghai is lovely this time of year…
Even when they do something they’ll get criticized.
Every. Single. Time.
Nothing will ever be enough.
Are you blind? Or just intentionally dense. We are here, in this thread LITERALLY praising Al Green, a democrat, for DOING SOMETHING
She wasn’t there apparently?
Well that disappointing in itself. She should been there protesting and making our voices heard.
AOC talks a big game, but I’m not personally convinced she follows through.
Case in point, this situation. There should have been more democrats doing the same thing.
Why didn’t anyone do anything? They talk a big game on social media, but that’s it.
I’m thinking they are either controlled opposition or too enthralled to corporate donations to do anything.
Think what you will of the approach given this more disruptive option but she wasn’t quietly sitting, she outright refused to attend https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2025/03/04/aoc-not-attend-trump-address-to-congress-tuesday/81398760007/
another armchair general calling for the dems to arm themselves and perform a revolution or else they’re nazi sympathizers
this is what civil politics in a non banana republic looks like
No dumb fuck. You ever read a history book? Congress used to have literal fist fights.
Defending yourselves from being ejected from your literal work place, a place YOUR constituents elected you to be at, by someone who is by not a single ounce of the definition, your boss, is not violence. It is not “arming” yourself, IT IS LITERALLY DOING WHAT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE STATES, TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED FUCKING STATES
no need to shout i’m right here. i imagine you prefer to settle most things with your fists. specially politics
This is very not what civil politics look like unless of course one loves the taste of boot. Mmm boots.