Everyone can post 3 to 5 cards they are looking for and people can respond with 3 to 5 cards that they would want in exchange.
If mods have a problem with this, let me know!
I’ll start.
In 3 diamond I need:
I have Exeggutor and Metwo 3 Diamond from your list.
I’m looking for:
- Carnivine
- Garchomp
- Porygon Z
I have extra of Venusaur, Zapdos, and Mewtwo on your list.
I need-
- Torterra
- Electivire
- Lapras
- Nidoking
My preference would be the last 3 if you have them but all are new dex entries for me and would be appreciated.
Trade completed for Machamp and a Gastrodon was pulled today, list updated.
Hey I have Lapras, Bastiodon, Nidoking from your list
I’m looking for:
- Carnivine
- Garchomp
- Porygon Z
Looks like I only have Machamp from your list. I’m good with any of your options, but I have a soft spot for Venusaur.
Friend ID: 4516264120450329
Request sent. I’ve got no issues with a Machamp for Venusaur swap. Feel free to initiate the trade when you get the friend request.