Pokémon TCG Pocket
Pokémon TCG Pocket
A community for sharing and discussion about the Pokémon TCG Pocket mobile game.
Finally got that epic pull you’ve been waiting on? SHARE A PIC!
Play an interesting match? Let us know!
Are you in need of deck help? Maybe someone here has the answer!
We now offer a SimpleX chat room!
This can be helpful when sharing friend codes and setting up trades. You can check us out by following the link or QR code below.
Make sure you copy and paste the link into you browser, or use the QR code.
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We strive to create a friendly general purpose instance for anyone to enjoy. Help us accomplish our goal by reading and following our simple rules.
- Don’t spread hate.
- Be civil to others.
We encourage the use of Lemmy’s blocking features to take control of your experience on the Fediverse. Don’t let a bad faith actor make a fool of you both. Remove them from your feed and report them if they’ve broken the rules.
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