The problem is that the things you talk about are all tools. Including guns. It’s just that the primary tool use of a gun is to kill. If I see someone openly carrying a gun they are saying, “I am ready to kill.” Carrying a knife? “I am ready to cut something.” Driving a car? “I am going somewhere”
Can those latter two things be used to kill? Of course. Anything can be used to kill, but that isn’t their primary function. The primary use of a gun, the reason why guns are made, is to kill things. And that makes all the difference.
Uh, yeah? This shouldn’t be a revolation.
A family member of mine concealed carries because she was raped (I know a couple women like this but I know my family memeber’s reasoning better since she’s family). Do you want to be the one to tell her she’s being paranoid? I sure don’t.
And if she uses the gun on a would have been rapist, blame the rapist not the person defending themselves.
Do read the whole article.
I’m aware of the anecdote fallacy. Her carrying a gun is not a reason I’m for carry rights, her carrying a gun is a reason I’m happy to have the right. Subtle but important distinction.
No the reason we have the right is the 2nd amendment, full stop (no well regulated does not mean government regulations). And SCOTUS confirming this with the Bruen decision.