Palpatine thinks he is relevant to this.
Or what? Is that supposed to be a threat? Seems to me that if a Republican is warning you not to investigate something then it definitely needs investigating.
Or hell be forced to stand completely still and silent while definitely not having a seizure.
I think he’s implying that exposing the corruption will bring to light corrupt Democrats as well.
Which is such a fucking typical conservative concept, as though the party should defend the corruption within by ignoring corruption everywhere. Jokes on you, motherfucker, because we want to expose and eliminate corruption among Democrats and Republicans.
Tbf, some Democrats don’t want it exposed, nor will resign when they are exposed. Some will run to their yacht to hide from angry constituents and not face intraparty opposition.
Democrats are not on a cult.
“Vote Blue No Matter Who” *is textbook cultish behavior and has lead to some truly awful candidacies.
The post-Obama turn from casual social liberalism to BlueAnon party jingoism has been absolutely miserable for intra-party Democratic politics. The influx of Bill Kristol / Michael Bloomberg / Lincoln Project anti-Trump Republicans is a poison pill that’s going to do the same damage to the Dems that it did to the GOP under Bush.
I’m already seeing all the toxicity and nastiness in local Dem organizing meetings that I remember my parents complaining about as liberal Republicans during the 2000-era turn.
Can you imagine a congress and SCOTUS that actually acts in the interest of the people?