Palpatine thinks he is relevant to this.
I get that he has to fight this, for political reasons, but this is the dumbest fucking rebuttal ever
What he’s targeting here is private citizens with no legislative purpose. I think it’s completely and totally inappropriate,” McConnell said at a press conference Tuesday
The Supreme Court is hardly your average citizen and Congress absolutely has reasons to investigate potential corrupt in the Supreme Court.
also weird since he definitely thought it was worth it to probe hunter biden despite being a private citizen
Targeting a private citizen who was involved in bribing members of the Supreme Court of the United States. Somehow I think that second part might be relevant to Congress subpoenaing that “poor wittle pwivate citizen”
Also, calling billionaires “private citizens” seems wrong to me. If you’ve managed to hoard enough wealth to make a Tolkien dragon envious, you’re no longer a “private citizen” in my book. If I became an immortal being when Christ was born, started saving $10,000 a day every day, didn’t spend a single dime, and STILL don’t have your net worth today, over 2,000 years later - then fuck you - you’re not a “private citizen” you’re a god damn plague upon society that should be counting your blessings that guillotines went out of style a few centuries ago. As far as I’m concerned, billionaires should be in front of Congress every day explaining why they should be allowed to exist.