We are REQUIRED to use outlook at my job, along with all the MS bullshit. I’ve changed my Thunderbird interface to make it look exactly like outlook, synced my calendars, and kept using it for the past year or so. They have no clue. I hate Microsoft with passion, I will spent hours of my free time to find ways to be out of their ecosystem if I need to, and I usually manage to do so.
I honestly don’t know much about how that works. I’ve just managed to sync outlook emails to Thunderbird with the Exchange protocol or something. I get taken to my organisation page once every two weeks or so, for the 2FA, and everything works just fine. I’ll just play dumb if IT ever ask me question but so far so good.
You know we can detect every application you have through tools like Nessus, right? Your IT guys are either morons or they just let you get away with it because it’s easier than hearing people pitch a fit about software they’re not allowed to use.
There are people in my workplace (which uses Gmail) who willingly use Outlook to access it then complain about Outlook problems. Outlook is the biggest piece of trash email client software I’ve ever used.
At one place I worked at, it was OBLITERATING any mails from one particular person because of a completely unrelated filter I had. Email notifications from them would appear for a few seconds, then the email would completely disappear (not even in deleted, or in any filter folders). Everyone else cced could see the emails except me, and IT couldn’t figure it out. I had to disable ALL my filters which trashed my inbox with stupid work circulars. Fuck Outlook.