The annoying thing about that is that if you don’t long rest enough in BG3, you miss a lot of story beats. Unlike tabletop, it wants you to long rest, and will punish you for not long resting rather than punishing you for long resting.
I’m doing a second playthrough and I’m realizing just how much I missed during my first playthrough where I used my tabletop mindset of “rest only when absolutely necessary”. And even then sometimes watching other people’s playthroughs I see scenes I never saw.
Or when Karlach hit me with the “I thought we really had something there, but I guess not.” At the start of act 3 that made me save scum, fix it, and put an indefinite hold on playing.
You advance relationships during long rests, but I wasn’t taking them. Because I never reached the next relationship milestone before the next act, I instead had a cutscene where the character, Karlach, laments the lost connection despite the fact I was very much into them.
But also, if you rest too much you miss things. I wish it would warn you for some stuff, hopefully there will be a mod for it.
Sometimes it forces you to long rest. I had just long rested, used my last scroll of mage armor on my bard, tried to head out, and it wouldn’t let me leave camp. It forced me to long rest again to trigger the cut scene with the dragon rider dude at the end of the mountain pass.
Even more bullshit is when you come upon Elminster and he wants to rest, lets go you say. Then after the long rest the game wants you tjo long rest literally 15 meters after Elminster since you transition to act 2. Luckily you don’t have to spend resources for that rest but still…
Wait where the hell is Elminster? In act 1?? Did I fucking permanently miss a companion because I failed a DC 10 strength check and despite scouring act 1 before going to act 2 I didn’t find Elminster?
Tactician it’s hard to rest often. The food resources are double to long rest. You have to basically pick up all food everywhere.
I’ve never had that problem, I play Tactician and I consistently have a ton of food in my inventory, but then I’m a loot gremlin that picks up everything that isn’t nailed down. I have more trouble spending all my food than picking it up. Even my max STR char was somehow always overencumbered :'(
Warlocks suffer again. This is why I think 4e’s style of giving each class the same number of resources that recharge on short/long rests is better. Making a short rest magic user just because isn’t necessarily good game design. I’ve literally never played in a campaign that does 6 encounters per adventuring day because combat takes so fucking long and we don’t want to stretch a single adventuring day over 6 real life weeks. (Gritty Realism does not solve this. Do not suggest it. It changes narrative pacing. Not getting resources back for a month and a half still sucks.)