$9 for the device - Vuse is the brand
Approx $7 per “cartridge”
$14 (on average) for a “Breeze Pro” disposable vape.
So it’s cheaper, but about the same as regular cigarettes. Even worse, quality control on the cartridges is shoddy at best and I wind up moving the coil from a decent cartridge to one that failed less than 1/4 way through. At this point it’s rare to have a coil last as long as it should.
Best way to save money is to quit. Dropped alcohol last year and THC before Thanksgiving.
Nicotine is next on the list, here’s hoping for a cheaper new year.
Nicotine is one of the hardest addictions to get over. Nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. I wish you good luck, but don’t blame yourself if you can’t quit.
I quit in 2000 and I think the only way I was able to quit was because I worked in a place where everyone smoked, so I got a ton of second-hand smoke. I doubt I would have been able to do it otherwise and it was still one of the harder things I’d have to do.
Nicotine is one of the hardest addictions to get over. Nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. I wish you good luck, but don’t blame yourself if you can’t quit.
I quit in 2000 and I think the only way I was able to quit was because I worked in a place where everyone smoked, so I got a ton of second-hand smoke. I doubt I would have been able to do it otherwise and it was still one of the harder things I’d have to do.
Lol comparing it to heroin.
It’s not the substance itself that is addictive, it’s cultural aspects and ease of access. When you can throw a stone in any direction and hit a store that sells tobacco, it’s going to be harder to quit. Even if you are far away from a store, if your near any significant group of people you can find someone who will give you a cigarette.
Now if I wanted heroin it would probably take me a week to bounce messages around some of my more downtrodden acquaintances before I found a dealer. And you won’t find anyone who is going to share their heroin with you. If you knew the hoops people would jump through and fire they would walk across to obtain heroin, you wouldn’t compare that to cigarettes. Hardly anyone would do all that shit just for a smoke.
It’s compared to heroin in terms of how addictive it is. And considering people have spent their entire lives trying to quit and failed, that seems right to me.
I bet you think I made that up, don’t you? I did not.