I would really rather that these were actual examples, and not conspiracy theories. We all have our own unsubstantiated ideas about what shadowy no-gooders are doing, but I’d rather hear about things that are actually happening.
You are clearly a republican.
Liberals realizing that socialists exist. Challenge: impossible.
Why would a socialist think the US Republicans are the same as the US Democrats?
Just because you disagree with both parties doesn’t mean they’re the same…
Tell me again which party I can vote for that will stop dropping bombs on other countries?
Acting like the fact that there is a difference in domestic policies of the two parties, but ignoring the fact that the foreign policies of the two are not substantially different while killing a fuck ton of people is just another way to say that killing brown people in other countries is A-Okay with you and something you don’t think should be argued about.
I agree that there is an unfortunate bipartisan consensus on national security issues that is normalized bombings.
I would nevertheless say you can find significant differences on foreign policy. And, you can find huge huge huge differences on domestic policy, on things like respect for the rule of law, on the type of people appointed to courts, on economic policy.
So I think you raise a legitimate concern, but then you proceed to completely abuse it by trying to make that concern stand in for the whole of everything that matters about political decisions.
So you’re saying one of them makes the world less worse, and is therefore preferable to the one that makes it more worse.
Yes, we have one party here. But so does America. Except, with typical extravagance, they have two of them. — Julius Nyerere
Liberal democracy is the dictatorship of the capitalist class.