I’m not going to argue that some of them, Bibi in particular need to be jailed but comparing them to Nazis is blatantly bullshit and if you don’t understand that, please take a trip to aushwitz or the memorial in DC for an education.
I’m educated, buddy. Just because you’re too emotionally invested in Israel being blameless to see the parallel doesn’t make it bullshit.
I just admitted that israelis have blame… there is no parallel here. Let me know when they start trucking Palestinians in from Jordan and Samaria to get burned up by the thousands.
As savage as this is, from a demographic perspective you’re talking 2% of a population. A population that’s growing faster than any other on the planet. We’re not even talking about it being decimated. By contrast, the Holocaust wiped out 50% of the global Jewish population and it still hasn’t recovered. There’s no comparison and attempting to make one demeans the Holocaust, holomodor and the actual genocides going on right now.