When I say “RPG material,” I mean things like statblocks, classes, etc.
In the same vein, I was in a Shadowrun campaign that switched over to the Sprawlrunners rules for Savage Worlds (which can be used for either Shadowrun or Cyberpunk). Savage Worlds brought out the dynamic action and calculated hacking scenes that define good cyberpunk fiction without being dragged down by clunky rules.
It is an unfortunate fact that Shadowrun tends to suffocate under its own density.
I love Shadowrun as a setting and a game aesthetic; but fuck do I hate the sheer bookkeeping of just standing a character up, never mind the density of the actual play.
I have never played Shadowrun online. I wonder if a lot of the tedium of the dice would be eliminated by character sheet math?
@frauddogg @StraySojourner we went back to 3rd edition. It’s a bit better.
A bit.