Nice thing about getting older is you don’t need drinks to have a good time.
Sure, dating 18yo is fuckin weird, but on the other hand, if your date (of whatever age) doesn’t drink and you suddenly realize you have no date ideas that don’t involve drinking, you may also need a moment of self reflection.
Not sure why down voted it’s a valid point even if they don’t drink and ignoring I wouldn’t date someone in that age group. I don’t want to limit locations for a date or hang out.
Personally I probably wouldn’t date anyone who doesn’t drink either but that’s my own preference.
I mean, technically… no. Drinking age for beer and wine in Germany is 16, while age of consent (with additional protections) is 14, just like criminal maturity: If you’re old enough to stand trial, you’re generally old enough to decide for yourself who you want to fuck.
And while legal guardians being present lowers the drinking age to 14 being a guardian isn’t exactly compatible with dating a 14yold, that’s a position of authority or trust. Buying it for them is also problematic if it’s indeed in exchange for sex, counts as prostitution, minimum age 18.
Thanks a lot, lemmy, that was probably the creepiest thing I ever thought about.
What are you rambling about? Op said 18. Drinking is legal everywhere in Europe if you are 18. You know why? Because you are an adult. So you can also fuck everyone while drinking, even 90 year old dudes/dudettes, you know why? Because you are an adult.