No, but I don’t see why that’s a reason not to allow people to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. Do you have an actual argument you wanted to make, or are you just asking stupid questions?
When the state shows solidarity with anti-trans bigots it emboldens those bigots to act out.
Anyway your comment distracts from the real issue.
Some people hate trans people enough to kill them just for existing. That is patently wrong, outrageous, disgusting, immoral, sickening, and horrific.
If I see anyone insulting, injuring, or harassing a person with bigoted insults, I will be compelled to do something to stop it. I’m fucking sick to death of fucking nazis acting with impunity. They need to creep back into the sewers where they came from and STFU.
What fucking business is it of yours? I mean, really. You wanna do dick checks of everyone using a public bathroom? Go the fuck ahead, I dare you.
They aren’t using whatever bathrooms they want. They are using the bathroom that people of their gender are supposed to use.
But do explain to us why you want this man to be in a women’s bathroom. Or locker room.
That is Ben Melzer. He is a male model. He was also born biologically female.
Do you think women would feel comfortable or safe with him in there?
Could we not just have gender neutral bathrooms? ie. A hallway/long room with 5 doors on each side and behind each of those doors you have a sink/toilet/urinal. Each door is actually a door from floor to ceiling.
And their “gender” is whatever they want it to be so, yes they are.
Their gender is not a choice.
Do you think being gay is a choice as well?
I mean this is an anecdote. And an exceptional one at that. I can show you a dozen women who look like men. Women like the one in the OP who was beaten to death in a women’s bathroom.
I see, so it’s okay for trans people to use the bathroom of their gender as long as they don’t look like they’re trans.
I don’t think anyone is saying changing bathrooms will end bullying. Judging by the conversation I’m seeing I think most people are upset that a child in a government institution was physically beaten to death.
Although based on your comment it doesn’t seem like you’re on the same page as those people.
This whole post and all its threads are a ducking train wreck.
Anyway… Looking beyond the headline “Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill that required public school students to use bathrooms that matched the sex listed on their birth certificates.”
I think that’s fucked because it others trans people and sends the message that hating trans people is ok. And I think that makes assholes more likely to be violent towards trans people.
And also a trans kid in this was beaten to death, and might have survived had the school called a goddamn ambulance, or if they had done anything to counter anti-trans hate.
Idk what the duck do you want to hear exactly?
That we should force trans kids to use the bathroom of their birth certificate sex? Or that we shouldn’t?
Maybe instead of dancing around with questions just state your opinion?
It could definitely remove one of the most notorious and dangerous places kids get bullied.
Just because you want to be a peeping Tom and watch folks in the bathroom doesn’t mean everyone else does.