One, no empire is “great,” they all suck donkey dick, that’s the definition of an empire, two, the meme specifically states “most powerful.”
America is objectively the most powerful empire to ever exist, just as the British were more powerful than the Romans.
i think the only thing keeping china from taking that top slot is reach and the use of the dollar worldwide. both of those are collapsing. the US might not be the biggest asshole on the planet for much longer
I just wouldn’t call it an empire, that’s all. I’m not a historian but to me, empires are made by occupying other countries.
The US is a powerful nation of course, but they don’t have the same focus on conquest as the other countries throughout history have had.
Just ignoring the concept of neocolonialism for a second, most American land was stolen through conquest. That the American Empire is not currently aggressively expanding is irrelevant, did Rome not count as an empire when its borders were stable?
That would be interesting, to compare the land mass of the US with the max size of the Roman empire. My guess is that the romans would win by a hair.
But the Brits would definitely win because they have Australia, which is almost as big as the continental US just in itself, let alone all the other countries they conquered.