DAE want to be able to converse with their tech in natural language? Is that just me?
I kind of want an assistant to simply schedule things and let me know of information that I need as I need it… It’s not something that’s really possible with the current level of technology that we have, but it’s something I’m hoping we get to. Right now, I can’t even tell my Google assistant to send a message using a specific chat app. I always get the reply that it “can’t do that yet”. I keep trying because it says “yet”, hopeful that it will eventually gain the ability.
If I don’t specify an app, it tries to send the message by text (and frequently fails at doing that), and I don’t use text messaging.
This is just one example. I usually get relegated to tapping furiously on the screen to get to the point where I can engage the speech transcription on my keyboard on the phone while I’m doing something that should have my full attention… like driving.
There’s a lot of other small issues that I just won’t get into right now…
Anyways, am I the only one? I get not wanting it, that’s fair and fine. I won’t judge anyone for their preference.