Yup i agree. Hes fighting through contact. Arm gets stuck. He removes it. Draymond rightfully has a reputation, but this isnt dirty. The nba in general needs to let stuff like this go and allow physical play from both offense and d.
if his arm got “stuck,” then he would have extended his arm to get around Mills. Instead he flexes his arm, and pulls Mills into a backbend, stressing his spine. He then does that sidestep shamble move, trying to indicate to the ref that he wasn’t in control of his movements because “look! he’s stumbling a bit too!”
Nah, this is classic bitch ass dray. just toss him from the league already.
I agree that Draymond’s arm got stuck, but I don’t see him making any effort to remove his arm before plowing through.
To me, it looked like Dray was pushing Mills out of the way and ended up with his arm hooked around Mills’ neck. A kind and gentle person, seeing that they were about to smack someone in the throat, would stop and get their arm off the windpipe of their fellow human. A person who was super competitive and trying hard to win would, at least, make an effort to move their arm back and down while running past. In this video, we see the third option: a stiff arm clothesline across the neck.