Here’s the tweet,
Fraud exists because you were driving the car for a while with your normal drivers license and everything was perfectly fine, but now (for example) Elon says you have to get a specialized additional Tesla certification license from Tesla, but only offers it to countries whose names start with vowels because he was on a ketamine bender one night.
It’s a retroactive, unilateral change to a contract, which is generally considered legally questionable at the very least. And - you guessed it - possibly fraud.
Correct me if I’m wrong but the game isn’t out yet on PC so no one has been playing (driving) the game.
There is a big difference between cancelling an order and taking away a product that you have been using.
I don’t agree with Sony’s actions as everyone should be able to buy the game but this is Sony cancelling an order as the game isn’t even out yet on PC.