A psychotherapist would be able to help you with your fantasizing that internet strangers that hurt your feelings are, themselves, feeling the “anguish” you feel.
Psychologists call it “projection”.
And if you hadn’t gambled your health and well-being on not getting health insurance, you wouldn’t have to pay so much for that therapy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You haven’t hurt my feelings but you have said that I attacked you personally but your unwilling to say where or how.
You haven’t hurt my feelings
[X] Doubt
but you have said that I attacked you personally but your unwilling to say where or how.
I said every time I pointed out your ad hominem attacks. Your lack of/inability to understand is at the core of this debate, and still not my fault (nor my responsibility). Your failures are your own responsibility as are your foolish decisions when you gamble your health, well-being, and financial future by not getting health insurance.
It’s pretty irrational to blame others for your own words and actions.