Oh, boy, they’re not up your alley, so sorry, in that case, please continue to ignore all possible contributions to the material conditions that allow the organization of labor and the prevention of fascism; I’m sure that passively watching the genocide of minorities is a small price to pay compared to the indignity of participating in the democratic process.
Unionization is a capitalist compromise. The fact that it takes an entire army of people to equal the negotiation power of one owner is ridiculous and indicative of the terrible system we’re in.
Keep on keeping on with the status quo. It seems like you like it.
Keep on keeping on with the status quo. It seems like you like it.
You keep welcoming fascism, you seem quite fond of it. Sorry that the rest of us want to do silly things like “Be alive” or “Have rights”.
Democrats have been welcoming fascists the entire last four years by not preventing them from coming to power. We’ve had every possible avenue legally or legislatively to put an end to this and Democrats refuse to. They’re incapable.
All we will get by voting for Joe Biden is four more years of peace until the next fascist begins to run, and we will have done nothing to stop them either.
Your strategy is to win every election for the rest of all time. It’s just not tenable.
We need a reform movement, and Democrats are incapable of that, clearly. As somebody else has said in this threat, going by the metaphor in the picture, Democrats need to be plugging the holes in the boat, not scooping out the water.