Javier Milei stuns nation with book release party-cum-rock concert described as ‘pagan mass’ in famed Buenos Aires venue
Archived version: https://archive.ph/7gF66
It’s tone-deaf. He burned the economy to the ground, while calling it a revolution. And then you get stuff like this when people have to deal with real struggles, and it’s not surprising it’s not well taken.
What economy? We come from literal annual accumulated inflation of 211% in 2023 only.
1867% accumulated since the leftist party took power in 2018 to 2023.
We come from 30% poverty in 2018 up to 50% poverty in November 2023. Those extra poor? All from previous leftist government. Clearly that’s not worth talking about.
We lost 35k small and middle enterprises from 2018 to 2023. That’s 135 middle and small business closing per week.
I ask of you, what burned economy? The one we come from and rightly so voted out the leftists in charge of it?
I ask of you, what real struggle? The one we were left with for 4 years and rightly so voted out?
You deny it, but for us lowering inflation, it is a revolution. Keep being sour over it, we sure did okay enduring while everyone else looked to the other side just because last government matched their ideology
Right denial
First what is that graphic supposed to mean? It doesn’t says anything about Argentina? You just put a chart without any source or explanation and expect people to understand what is supposed to represent?
And then accused me of denial. that’s rich. Specially coming from someone posting inaccurate information about an inaccurate estimate (the simulation you refer was done by the ODSA and calculated for, it was 57% POVERTY ESTIMATE not 60% and only contemplated data until January 2024) as if it were true facts. Here. Allow me to share the simulation that was made:
Here is the source:
You want to see the actual April measurements done using actual real data instead of spouting more lies?
Sure go ahead. Do notice the April 2024 latest measurements say 48.9 instead of 60%. So poverty it is going down instead of up
Then you lie some more about inflation saying it’s going up, while even the opposition here recognized it is going down
Here, have some more data for the weekly inflation we have, this comes from the one consulting firm that’s been measuring the same as the official government data and do notice the down trend:
You want to see the monthly inflation? Oh what’s that? it’s going down instead of up? UH OH! LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE IS LYING HIS ASS OFF, and it surely isn’t me!
Then you start talking about economic activity, as if we weren’t coming from a literal recession since the past year. Go have a look, we literally have been dropping economic activity since last 10 years. Why do you think people got sick of the leftist government?
These charts are based all on indec Data. Sources: https://fce.uncuyo.edu.ar/oeru/upload/1a1bc596e87c2e80e0f7890fc29310e5.pdf
Fortunately we do seem to have a glimmer of hope in that way, notice February line? We are not in the best shape, but we do seem to be picking up. Hard to tell as this activity chart here is not an official estimate, it comes from a consulting firm:
We do see things are getting better little by little. Whoever denies that is living a delusional life.
I will leave the sources because unlike you I am not an malignant uninformed web poser in search of internet points