It was nice knowing Raspberry Pi while they lasted. Going to suck losing something that has changed the homegrown embedded system hobby forever.
I’m sorry but all of these doom and gloom comments are insufferable.
A. The raspberry pis that you have known and loved are all still around and, considering inflation, cheaper than ever. If you’re complaining about prices, stop buying from scalpers!
B. All this talk of enshittification and decline is purely and 100% speculative. You are acting like your catastrophic fears are a forgone conclusion when they’re, at best, a guess.
Maybe. I’ll be the first one to call out bad behavior but at this point it’s just knee jerk anticorporate fervor.
The worst thing raspberry pi ever did is dare to be an electronic company during the worst electronics part shortage in our lifetime. People complaining they couldn’t get a pi to do their dinky personal project are the epitome of having first world problems. Prices and availability have been back to normal for over a year now and people still gripe about it. I’m just over it.