If ther’s on thing I hat, it’s words ending with silent e’s. And whil we’r at it, we ned to get rid of doubl e’s as well.
Dubl e’s mak sens thou. Ther’s a diffrenc between feed and fed, or between need and Ned. The dublin maks the E longer.
So we should write fiid and niid then? In German, if you wanted a word that’s pronounced like the English need, you’d write nied.
Anyhow, just removing the second e without replacement would not help in knowing how to pronounce the word by reading it.
I don’t mind silent e’s, they do actually change the way words are pronounced at least.
They work like an e after a vowel, making it a long vowel, but with a letter in between. They have absolutely no reason to exist as haet is pronounced the same as hate but has the letters in a more logical order.
If they are silent, they don’t chang the pronunciaton, becaus if they do they are not silent.
In that persons comment, they removed several “silent” e’s, but all but one changed the word’s pronunciation. I was talking about them. Like the E in hate. It doesn’t make a sound itself, so isn’t it still silent?