Could be as trivial as a type of food, a TV show, or something more serious.
Career growth. Works keeps telling me for years about how they want to promote me into a new role, but I keep turning them down. Like bruh yeah it’s more pay but it’s more hours ya know.
I’d rather finish work 5pm everyday then stay back till 8pm for a few grand more which is even worse after tax.
That’s completely normal, and a large portion of people here in Europe would do the same as you do. There is this saying where “people in North America life to work, people in Europe work to life”. Because who cares if you make more money if you barely have the time to actually enjoy it?
Not trying to say one continent is better than the other, but it is a very clear difference in work-life balance mentality.
Nothing wrong with that
I see people I’ve known that are in higher roles and they’re overworked and put in like 50% more hours than I do. They probably make 20% more but I make enough to be very happy. So what’s the point?
People. Because they are such a disappointment.
Doing taxes.
Coconuts or water melon, y’all seem to be enjoying it so much…
Coconuts I can sort of get, but watermelons? Is it some sort of metallic taste?
Why would I want to like something if I don’t like it? I really don’t understand this question.