An even better idea: make your OWN list! Don’t expect someone else to tell you the truth if you’re not working to search for it yourself!
Curious how you would go about this process of creating a list of your own knowledge that is outdated.
By being a life-long learner! Seriously, learning is an active thing, it’s not something we have to be sitting in a room to receive. So as we read and learn more, we realize that some of the things we learned are different from what we thought. It’s something we should all be doing as we learn and reflect.
My teachers told us, with all honesty, than the reason “the blacks” (yes, they said it just like that in a tone you expect) are better athletes is because they have an extra muscle in their legs.
This was while there were African American students in the class. In second grade.
Who wants to check the dictionary definitions that changed over time?
Anyone knows the changes to the definition of the “vaccine” in the past 4-5 years?
The dumbest shit I’ve heard throughout my year was at uni, from a physics professor, no less. He, with a straight face, was telling us that highlanders live longer because oxygen content is lower at high altitudes, and since oxygen is an oxidant, it makes people corrode away(??) faster and causes aging.
He was also a Chudinist, which is pseudo-science about searching the words RUS and names of old pagan gods in random, sometimes absolutely ridiculous places, like freshly crumpled A4 sheet or on the surface of the sun, and claiming it to be a sign of existence of greater ancient slavic race.
I once got into an argument with him because he was claiming that lifting an item in hands takes constant amount of energy, no matter how fast you do it. So I challenged him to a 5 minute plank… and he kicked me out from the class. But I didn’t care, as I soon flunked out of that uni because he wasn’t even the most schizo prof over there.
Just searched for Chudinism and found nothing. Typo? I’m really interested in that shit…
It’s about the followers of this guy.
There’s barely information about him in English, but he basically wrote quite a few books “decoding” words off shitty photocopies of photos of historic artifacts. He was largely a laughing stock, but he did get a few followers, mostly elderly with early onset dementia, but also notably a few of high profile personalities, maybe even a couple of Putin’s advisors.
For laughs, here are some of the most famous examples of his “deciphering” works:
- Here’s the sun saying that it’s a church of Rurik of varyags
- This one says that Smolensk is actually Moscow
- Or that Pushkin was a house cat
- That 9/11 was a god’s punishment (and also that martians are apparently dyslexic and only know 3 words)
- Or that a bunch of photocopying artifacts tell how great Russian warriors were
The first two paragraphs are definitely wild, but I guess you’ve sorta nerd sniped me with the third paragraph.
It sounds like the professor was talking about the concept of work, in a physics sense. In this sense, work being done on an object is effectively just the difference in energy of that object between a start and end point. When you lift an object, it gains gravitational potential energy due to being higher up (it has farther to fall). If you lift it by the same amount, the amount of energy it gains is the same regardless of whether you do it quickly, slowly, or walk around the room and end up back in the same spot. The end result for the object is the same, so the amount of work done on it is considered to be the same. Obviously, in a common sense, some require more exertion than others–that’s just not part of what’s considered to be work on the object in that sense.
My physics professor discussed the difference between “work” in the physics sense and “work” in the common sense. As best I can recall (it’s been years now), his demonstration was basically that he held something out at arm’s length and said something like “it’s not moving and not gaining any or losing any potential energy, so as far as physics is concerned, no work is being done on it. But the muscles in my arm certainly don’t feel that way!” In both cases, you’re actively exerting a force to counter the force of gravity, with the end result being that the object doesn’t move, and so its energy stays the same. Thus, no work is done on that object as far as physics is concerned.
I’m not sure this extends to planking, though–your body is the object, in that case, and you’re expending chemical energy to maintain that position. It’s all a matter of what you include in the analysis, I guess. Reading up on it, the concept of work in physics only seems to be concerned with forces and motion; I guess that makes sense, since it is physics. With that in mind, I guess planking would also be considered doing 0 work (again, in a physics sense).
You’ve had a great prof! Mine unfortunately wasn’t as good and just handed me the book and asked how much energy it would take to lift it. Myself, thinking of muscles as linear motors rather than solid structures, said something along the lines of: “Depends on how fast you want me to do it. Just holding it I have to exert something like 10 watts, give or take”, and he went absolutely wild, calling me names and saying that I’m dumb for even asking it, implying that it takes no energy to hold things, hence the plank challenge. Gotta admit, though, that I might have missed the topic of that particular lecture as I wasn’t paying as much attention to it as I was about writing everything down with perfect formatting in LaTeX, hoping to catch up before the exams… Which got me in trouble with another prof who denied me from even taking the exam because she thought I was playing games during her lectures (I was the only student who brought a laptop), and to get to her I had to deal with a yet another prof who thought I was an outlaw biker because she saw me wearing a leather jacket, and tried to humiliate me in front of the board. Still a step up from a different uni that had the audacity to post a price-list for the grades on the door to exam room… One is the top university in my home region and second is mid-tier in the capital, so this is basically the sad state of academia in Russia, and, by certain extent, CIS countries. Speaking of which, do you happen to know any good (and preferably free) online courses on maths and physics? I know about khan academy, but it’s a bit hard for me to chew through, and 3blue1brown who’s been absolutely invaluable in clearing some of the crucial concepts I needed both for work and for learning stuff in general. Even though I’m fairly well off without it, I’d like to someday figure out what’s the deal with quantum computing is, and not just that “a qubit is both 1 and 0 at the same time” which doesn’t seem to make much sense to me.
I was lucky to have very good professors through most of university (in the US). It makes a huge difference in the experience. I’m sorry you had to deal with all of that, it sounds frustrating as can be. Teachers at any level should be encouraging and helpful, never condescending. I’ve heard plenty of stories about professors that pretty much power trip over it and use it as a chance to talk down to others, though. It sounds like you’ve got a lot of them in your area!
Unfortunately I’m not really familiar with the online education space. Khan Academy was what came to mind for me, but mostly only because I’ve heard it mentioned by others quite a bit. I don’t have any personal experience with it or any other sites, so I can’t really recommend any specific one to you. I wish you the best of luck in your future education endeavors, though!
I’m also not really any more familiar with quantum computers than you are either. I do remember quantum mechanics being discussed a tiny bit in university, but it was never a focus in any of my classes. It wasn’t quantum computers specifically but I recall it being rather focused on statistics; the most specific thing I can remember being probability plots of where a particle might be at any given time (including the possibility that it might tunnel through its container). I never quite grasped it myself, either, but it was never an important part of my coursework so I never really had to.
Antibiotics aren’t for viruses. Cold air doesn’t make you sick. Tongues don’t have “taste zones.” Muscles don’t have memory.
And because you threw up for one day, you didn’t have “the 24hr flu.” You ate something bad or someone didn’t wash their hands. The flu is short for influenza, which is a respiratory virus, which typically does not make you throw up and shit. More likely it was the dodgy gas station sushi.
Let’s keep going…
To be fair, cold air can contribute to making you sick. I got more misled by being told getting a cold had nothing to do with temperature because it is a virus. It is indeed a virus, but you’re more likely to get infected if you get cold.
Isn’t it more that cold weather makes people gather together in enclosed spaces.
It’s a combination of different factors. Cold weather makes it harder for your airways to defend themselves. There are I believe some cold viruses that are viable for longer or are stronger in cold weather, but since the cold is many different viruses I am not sure how much difference it makes.
Cold air doesn’t make you sick
I hate this one. Doesn’t matter how many times I’ve had to hurry to catch a bus to get to college over the past 3 quarters, my mom will always tell me how I’m gonna get sick from having wet hair because I don’t have enough time to dry it after I shower. So far I have yet to have any negative consequences for those (in)actions.
Wait the flu doesn’t typically cause nausea?!
…that was food poisoning I got as a kid, wasn’t it.
Dude idk this is the one thing that makes me scratch my head.
Kids seem to throw up often when they are sick. When the adults catch it from their kids, they very rarely have any GI issues but especially not nausea/vomiting. This is absolutely anecdotal evidence, but I anticipate a lot of parents and childcare workers will find rings true enough.
Or maybe it’s my really shitty family genetics and we are all more likely to puke lol
This is why I said “typically does not” instead of never. Some people’s immune systems will go ape shit and get every possible symptom under the sun, and children’s immune systems/reactions can be more stressed till they build some strength and have more exposures through life so their bodies learn how to handle them.
But if someone has a bad day that they’re throwing up/have diarrhea (no stuffy nose, congestion, or other respiratory symptoms) then chances are they consumed something their body is trying to reject.
Kids seem to throw up often when they are sick.
The explanation I heard was that kids bodies are still learning how to pilot and maintain their meat ships so their stomachs will sometimes get upset and purge when they don’t need to/shouldn’t
Source: foggy memory of I think it was a SciShow video like 5-10 years ago?
Pretty sure there are strains that can cause nausea. I had one back around 2011 or so that nearly killed me after a week of puking non-stop. I reached a point of just sipping broth, not sleeping for like 36 hours towards the tail end. It’s what made me realize the times I thought I’d had it before were probably just food poisoning
If flu can’t case nausea someone needs to tell our health service
Anyone who has taken FDA mandated food safety training can confirm that food borne illness is the cause of most “stomach bugs.”
Also, there’s poop on everything. Wash your hands.
or don’t. you’re just going to get more poop on your hands.
(of course you should wash your hand before cooking or eating finger foods etc. but don’t overthink it before you end up as germ fobic)
That’s the difference between gray matter and white matter. Gray matter readily communicates with it’s crowding neighbors and can retain information, while white matter is myelinated so it can send messages over distances. Gray matter extends from our brains down our spinal cords.
Muscles are dumb meat who take their orders from the nervous system. They have no capacity for memory. But training can create reflexes at the spinal cord level which some refer to as “muscle memory,” except it’s not the muscle that should get the credit here.
I never thought muscle memory was “stored” in the muscles. The same way a memory of a smell is not stored in the nose. I was quite confused to see this as a common misconception but it makes sense from the name
gas station sushi.
One day I WILL buy sushi from a gas station. I just want to be able to say that I have done it.
I like how everyone bitches about gas station sushi, but the hotdogs being kept bacterial-paradise-warm on rollers until the end of time are A-OK.
Public school book adoption is between 8-12 years (Texas). And they only have to meet 50% of the state learning objectives. I hope the point of this post of to encourage life long learning and developing critical thinking skills.