I went to a Christian private school.That list would take down the website for days!
Oh hey, I have one for you! I was taught that the Christian flag was the oldest flag in the history of the world.
Only if an incompetent made the site. User input is a drop in the bucket compared to aggregation, searching, and now “AI”.
Whois lookup says this. Doesn’t discredit the “hastily thrown together in an hour” idea, though.
Created: 2023-10-02 02:12:17 UTC
Antibiotics aren’t for viruses. Cold air doesn’t make you sick. Tongues don’t have “taste zones.” Muscles don’t have memory.
And because you threw up for one day, you didn’t have “the 24hr flu.” You ate something bad or someone didn’t wash their hands. The flu is short for influenza, which is a respiratory virus, which typically does not make you throw up and shit. More likely it was the dodgy gas station sushi.
Let’s keep going…
Anyone who has taken FDA mandated food safety training can confirm that food borne illness is the cause of most “stomach bugs.”
Also, there’s poop on everything. Wash your hands.
or don’t. you’re just going to get more poop on your hands.
(of course you should wash your hand before cooking or eating finger foods etc. but don’t overthink it before you end up as germ fobic)
gas station sushi.
One day I WILL buy sushi from a gas station. I just want to be able to say that I have done it.
I like how everyone bitches about gas station sushi, but the hotdogs being kept bacterial-paradise-warm on rollers until the end of time are A-OK.
To be fair, cold air can contribute to making you sick. I got more misled by being told getting a cold had nothing to do with temperature because it is a virus. It is indeed a virus, but you’re more likely to get infected if you get cold.
Isn’t it more that cold weather makes people gather together in enclosed spaces.
It’s a combination of different factors. Cold weather makes it harder for your airways to defend themselves. There are I believe some cold viruses that are viable for longer or are stronger in cold weather, but since the cold is many different viruses I am not sure how much difference it makes.
Cold air doesn’t make you sick
I hate this one. Doesn’t matter how many times I’ve had to hurry to catch a bus to get to college over the past 3 quarters, my mom will always tell me how I’m gonna get sick from having wet hair because I don’t have enough time to dry it after I shower. So far I have yet to have any negative consequences for those (in)actions.
That’s the difference between gray matter and white matter. Gray matter readily communicates with it’s crowding neighbors and can retain information, while white matter is myelinated so it can send messages over distances. Gray matter extends from our brains down our spinal cords.
Muscles are dumb meat who take their orders from the nervous system. They have no capacity for memory. But training can create reflexes at the spinal cord level which some refer to as “muscle memory,” except it’s not the muscle that should get the credit here.
I never thought muscle memory was “stored” in the muscles. The same way a memory of a smell is not stored in the nose. I was quite confused to see this as a common misconception but it makes sense from the name
Wait the flu doesn’t typically cause nausea?!
…that was food poisoning I got as a kid, wasn’t it.
If flu can’t case nausea someone needs to tell our health service https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/flu/
Dude idk this is the one thing that makes me scratch my head.
Kids seem to throw up often when they are sick. When the adults catch it from their kids, they very rarely have any GI issues but especially not nausea/vomiting. This is absolutely anecdotal evidence, but I anticipate a lot of parents and childcare workers will find rings true enough.
Or maybe it’s my really shitty family genetics and we are all more likely to puke lol
Pretty sure there are strains that can cause nausea. I had one back around 2011 or so that nearly killed me after a week of puking non-stop. I reached a point of just sipping broth, not sleeping for like 36 hours towards the tail end. It’s what made me realize the times I thought I’d had it before were probably just food poisoning
Kids seem to throw up often when they are sick.
The explanation I heard was that kids bodies are still learning how to pilot and maintain their meat ships so their stomachs will sometimes get upset and purge when they don’t need to/shouldn’t
Source: foggy memory of I think it was a SciShow video like 5-10 years ago?
This is why I said “typically does not” instead of never. Some people’s immune systems will go ape shit and get every possible symptom under the sun, and children’s immune systems/reactions can be more stressed till they build some strength and have more exposures through life so their bodies learn how to handle them.
But if someone has a bad day that they’re throwing up/have diarrhea (no stuffy nose, congestion, or other respiratory symptoms) then chances are they consumed something their body is trying to reject.
Better still there were a bunch of facts that were false when they were taught to you but for some reason were still taught to you.
Like the obvious one, the tongue doesn’t actually have different regions on it for tasting different things, a fact that you probably didn’t believe even back then because anyone with a sugar cube and 5 minutes can disprove that.
My 6th grade science teacher taught us that blood is red but that some people think it is blue until it touches air because our veins look blue under our skin. He explained how the different wavelengths of light are absorbed differently and they was why it looks that way. Two years later my 8th grade science teacher taught us that blood is blue until it touches air. She was not happy when I told her she was wrong. I even explained it and told her to go talk to the other teacher if she still did not understand. She still would not listen to me. Over half the class was in the same sixth grade class as me but I was the only one that either remembered or was willing to stand up to the teacher. I finished losing faith in the education system on that day.
Well my 6th grade science teacher told us that Chernobyl was fortold in the book of revelations and it meant that the world will end soon. Public school. In New England. In the 90s. The 1990s.
These stories are so crazy to me …… sometimes it seems looks I got a better secular education from my religion school in the 1970s, with nuns. For many years the science teacher was the only lay teacher, never mentioned religion and we were certainly never fed any of that creationist crap from anyone.
It was not a Jesuit school but they really left a great impression of the long history Jesuit pursuit of knowledge and science
You unlocked a childhood memory of my insane conspiracy theorist father ranting about “wormwood” in connection with Chernobyl.
A teacher not able to fathom being corrected by a student. Terrible and terribly common. Afraid to lose their authority, perhaps? I had this happen to me at around 8 or 9yo : I corrected my teacher on a specific conjugation (the infinitive of a verb), but she wouldn’t admit she was wrong. That day I swore I’d respect anybody in a discussion, even when I thought I was right and they were wrong. I would consider their take at the minimum
My 7th grade science teacher told us that air is a perfect mixture. I raised my hand and said “how is it a perfect mixture when some cities have smog alerts, and the ozone layer hole?”
I want sent to the principal and told to never question teachers, they know more than I ever will. It was then I kind of gave up and saw behind the veil on education.
First thing I did when I read that was to put rub something all over my tongue just as a sanity check. When I tried to tell someone they went bonkers trying to defend the school book. From that point on I never took anything school books or adults said as fact without evidence.
Some classics:
- lactic acid buildup makes your muscles hurt after a workout
- blood that’s returning to the heart and lungs is blue, blood that’s leaving your heart to go do it’s thing is red
- sugar makes kids hyper
All three of those things have been thoroughly debunked, and are demonstrably false, and yet we teach them all the time. Sometimes it’s even SCIENCE TEACHERS that are repeating these things, and sometimes it’s right in the textbook!
Don’t forget how chocolate, even in tiny amount, will kill a dog. My mother told this to my kids, and they were all confused because our dog ate a bunch of chocolate easter candy and she was fine.
Dogs, and cats although they’re unlikely to actually eat it, cannot eat artificial sweetener as their livers cannot break it down and it becomes toxic to them in moderate quantities. It is often used in a lot of cheaper chocolate, particularly American chocolate. Sugar’s fine though, other than the obvious issues with it.
Somehow dogs cannot eat large amounts of artificial sweetener, got changed into dogs cannot eat small amounts of sugar.