Source: Instagram
When I’ve visited Lisbon last year, within five days we’ve eaten lunch or dinner at least once per day at McDonald’s. Why? It was early May and it was one of the only places accommodating to our accessibility needs in an air conditioned environment, free of cigarette smoke. Because that’s what you need when you have two children and a stroller, and McDonald’s is consistent.
Plus some of the localized menu items were pretty amazing and the staff was super friendly.
I’m not sure about that. But most restaurants downtown were semi-open, with some seating indoors, some outdoors along the streets. There doesn’t seem to be a law against smoking at the table outdoors, and the smoke just goes everywhere. If it’s not the people at the table, it’s the passersby or the staff on their break. Really bad experience in multiple places.
The first night my wife and I visited Tokyo, we went to a Burger King. Still ashamed of myself 14 years later.
Horrendous take lmao
Corporate colonialism turning the world into shit
Rule of traveling: never eat anywhere you can back home (which is pretty much any chain restaurant)
I was in the US Navy and you would be surprised at how many people will say things like that and eat at chili’s or whatever else when there is something perfectly good and new (to you) to try. Just never understood why some of the people I served with insulated themselves from seeing and experiencing new things.
Tbf, I want to go to Kuwait just for the Taco Bell (and then maybe swing by the Afghan/Pakistan border to check out the market and buy some cool hand engraved shit, but,) Kuwait is the only country that has Volcano Tacos still. I want to bring home, portion out, and freeze an entire bag of that fucking sauce and then I can turn taco bell here into Volcano Tacos (without the red shell but who cares, the secret’s in the sauce.)
Kuwait is not near Afghanistan or Pakistan. You’re mixing up two different US wars ;)
It has borders with Iraq, Saudi Arabia and almost Iran.
I ate at the first ever Carl’s Jr in Japan right after it opened because it’d been 3 weeks since I’d been home and was dying for some home food
Walk in and it’s themed after LA and SACRAMENTO (home) of all places, and there was a California expat family eating there so we sat next to them and raced about how the food tasted just like home but s little better
Then the news can say and interviewed the lady and her son
Sometimes it’s worth visiting those places lol
Can confirm food in Japan is just better even at the same fast food restaurants.
McDonald’s is the one restaurant that I will eat at internationally because they have different menu items. It is interesting to see what is popular in that country and the local interpretation of American culture. But even then it’s one and done and only if I absolutely have to eat a quick meal to make a reservation or something