Considering the recent news/proposal from SUSE about OpenSUSE rebranding - what do you think would be some fitting names for the distro/community?
Green Hat
[Sorry for the double reply]
Here’s a silly idea: what about ZagrOS? “Zagros” is the name of the mountain range where the ancient city of Susa used to be. It’s like the city was too small for the project, so they took over the whole mountain range, so they went from [open]SUSE to ZagrOS.
If you shorten OpenSUSE to OS, then add OS to the end (shorthand for operating system), you get OSOS.
Job done. The beauty of these options is that pronunciations will continue to differ the way folks pronounce OpenSUSE differently.
Is OSOS pronounced as oh-sos or os-os?
Is OSOSOS pronounced as os-os-os or as oh-sos–sos or as oh-so–sos?
Is OOOSSS pronounced as ooze or as oo-ss or as o-se?
or my personal favourite, OpenSUS
Agreed. The name is a bit silly, but “Fedora” is silly too, or “OpenSUSE” wtf?
I think “Ubuntu” or “Arch” are names that make sense. Everything with “OS” in the name is kinda amateur-ish.