Somehow the font and logo just scream “videogame bad guys”
Who is this even for? Anticommunists who like communist aesthetics?
I am super curious why such a far-right deviation of “communism” like MAGA Communism exists. Like, what are the underlying material conditions that give rise to it? We understand Communism, we understand fascism, but PatSocs? Mystery to me.
If anyone has something to add, please, enlighten me.
I am super curious why such a far-right deviation of “communism” like MAGA Communism exists.
1: 90% of it is an Op.
2: Some people out there don’t like capitalism but also are socially reactionary so they buy in the narrative some conservatives in AES states have about homosexuality being “western decadence” or whatever.
3: Kinda related to two, but I think some of these guys are just Russophilies who get into weird brand of modern Russian Nationalism that still revers the USSR and just mimic those guys’ politics. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of these dorks have pictures of Stalin and Czar Nicholas on their wall.
Outside of being an op, the only explanation I have is that it’s based on pure vibes. They believe Western propaganda about Stalin and think it’s based. They like Putin because he’s not woke. They’re anti-Zionist because they’re actually antisemitic.
They basically do the “criticizing communism while describing capitalism” bit but in reverse, where they praise communism based on anti-communist propaganda that’s supposed to make it sound like fascism.
They’re an op by feds first and foremost. Beyond that they’re a bunch of rich first world crackers attempting to cobble together leftist thought from their living rooms full of treats. Just imagine yourself to be the laziest, most pointless American white guy who wants for nothing. Now imagine you’ve read the tiniest bit of Lenin, or maybe you’ve just played as the Soviets in a video game. Rather than doing something cool like joining a local mutual aid group or working at a shelter, instead you simply adopt politics in the most white cracker way possible. You make a grift about how upper middle class white suburban Americans are actually the most threatened segment of the proletariat.
their declaration is mostly about how much CPUSA sucks. they’re trying to split a useless, reactionary party into two useless, reactionary parties.
Why do you bring up their sole redeeming quality other than having read three articles by Gabriel Rockhill about Adorno and Marcuse etcetera for me to get mad at it.
In fact, I doubt they have read it, since a lot of these guys try to recoup Heidegger and Zizek while pretending none of their critics have done more than draw associations between them and reactionary thought & institutions - not true of course. It’s not that difficult to tear apart stuff like Heidegger’s word games about being, and saying that shit really displays how little they read of criticism of their favorite writers, suggesting they haven’t gotten through much of the original texts, enough to quote mine probably.
Their rejection of structural racism and invention of reverse woke structural racism (analysis of structurally embedded racism in US finance capital is all throughout writing by Michael Hudson, as he talks about the legacy of redlining and the 2008 catastrophe of black household wealth, they also pretend to have read him!!) seems like direct fed counterplay to me, but I’m not going to bother with deep investigation into more infuencer debate tourney bullshit if I don’t have to. None of this lends any legitimacy to Sakaiist Twitter leftist ideology.
i’m really not interested in your personal esoteric rejection of both these nazbol grifters and whatever you seem to think third worldism is about.
Tl;dr - They’re a mirror image of Twitter Maoists and comments like yours further my suspicion they were cooked up by the feds specifically for you, the CPUSA, DSA, etc to get mad at and validate your popcorn-munching obsession with the compatible left.
If you don’t believe me, well, consider it something to think about every time you introduce this new thing you have to get mad about to people. Nobody even knows who these people are, and they’re clout chasers.
The loonier “MAGA communists” espouse the same fantasies of taking on the US military by dropping trees on tanks in Alabama. They randomly come up with Helter Skelter esque scenarios. (e.g. Kendrick / Drake beef could spiral into US Civil War 2 Electric Boogaloo (they really said this, not as a joke)).
what is this, an ARG for a new Red Faction sequel?
why is their website so dogshit; the runt copmala website dems slapped together in case genocide brandon dropped out is better than this
I am eternally upset that have any response other than bullying to people who make a national socialist party.