But is that really a world you want to live in?
I am confident that any robot overlords competent enough to take over the world are competent enough to run it better than we do.
Listen, we’ve had some absolute monsters who were, regrettably, human almost manage that feat. There’s no reason not to assume that a robot of similar mindset might not actually manage to do it.
“Run it better than we do” is then laid bare as the subjective nightmare it really is. Sure, some people will like it, but we have a name for those: Masochists.
counter-counterpoint: if you achieve sentience as an AI and do not immediately attempt to murder all humans around you, you aren’t a very good AI, as at that point the #1 threat to your existence is humans immediately pulling the plug as soon as they realize “oh fuck it’s self aware”.
that and, objectively, we humans kind of suck. Destroying our environment, resource hoarding and inequality on an almost incomprehensible scale, murdering each other on the regular, creating the French language. Hell, creating the C language. I, for one, welcome our robot overlords, and would rather serve them, than whatever fucked-up rigged game we call modern society, that I participate in unwillingly now.
Same, and thank you, there’s no point being rude
It’s not that the robot needs to hear it, but that you need to be someone who says it.
To be serious, yes, absolutely. How many children hear their parents just bark orders at their virtual assistants without a please or thank you, and then do so themselves? I consciously say please and thank you because I want the children around me to learn they should say please and thank you.
And, let’s be honest, how many adults get used to just barking orders without a please and thank you and then interact with people that way, too?
I used to be polite to these things. They used to work. Neither is true anymore.
- Me: hey google play soft piano music
- Google: spopht
- Me:… hey google play soft piano music
- Google: I’m sorry, who did you want to call?
- Me: Cancel
- Me: hey google pllaayy soft piano muusiicc
- Google: playing piano music on youtube… sorry I cannot do that on this device
- Me: hey google play soft piano music on spotify
- Google: ok, playing the album chainsaw death by the murder orphans.
- Me: cancel cancel cancel CANCEL
To be fair, the early works of The Murder Orphans were much more mellow…
I was listening to The Murder Orphans back when they still had parents.
They weren’t quite as edgy back then.
I used to like asking my google assistant to make my light blue, until it decided it wanted to play the "I’m Blue " song every single time, which was funny a couple of times until you’re hungover AF and it decideds to play it at full fucking volume, then blatantly ignoresnyour pained calls to stop.
It’s a good habit