Here’s the tweet to save you a visit:
I don’t know why you’re getting downvotes, this is apparently the source… The article is useless and just quotes tweets.
People here are weird, man. Huffpost is known to be one of the most heavily ad cluttered mess of a website in existence. There was an auto-playing video at the top, that paused itself after a few seconds for an auto-playing ad. Then I had to scroll past 4 other ads and a tweet that was not the tweet in question. I eventually got to the actual tweet after more scrolling.
And again, it’s a tweet in the article. From Twitter.
But people are acting like since I posted directly to the tweet to save them all that, that I am somehow doing them a disservice while personally blowing Elon Musk and cupping his balls. The Fediverse is a weird place sometimes.
Might just be that people whom are willing to use relatively niche social media platforms are also very likely to disagree with popular social media platforms, and also have competent online protection systems.
Some of the largest communities here are about free software, circumventing the will of large corporations, and extreme computer literacy. But we are on a political post, so who knows how much overlap there is.
Not for me, maybe got caught in ad blocker or something. The website is so shitty
Hoping there’s an alternative link, for those of us that don’t want to support that shitstain or his garbage site.
Much rather a screenshot. Going there started cancer on my phone.
Edit. Actually, the article was far far easier than that Twitter link
Fuck you. I’m pulling the other way. There are smart girls who can run it if thwy want to. Probably do better than us men did
Meme reads both ways. Also making fun of us men with “every woman has bigger balls than men do”
Sorry if I caused offense. Was talking out of my head due to an accidental poisoning.
Urgh, articles about tweets.
“So think of it: They get me to that position, and then their campaign says, ‘I’m the prosecutor, and he is the convicted felon.’ That’s their campaign,” Trump said. “I don’t think people are going to buy it.”
“We approve this message”
That’s it. Don’t reward a newssite for this shit.
Eh, it was pretty funny though. And it’s a complete character change from Biden’s campaign.
They didn’t seem too successful in the news cycle. I still think it would be worth a try if Harris only referred to Trump as “the convicted pedophile”. Like, 1-up the orange Mussolini at his own stupid tactics.
I’d rather more people rewarded the news site for it then rewarding twitter by going there directly
Chef’s kiss.
Grab him by the poll! Official campaign slogan?