I have never owned or operated a car and this doesn’t really make me want to.
Why they just can’t go to a car mechanic and like change that?
We have this issue in my industry. You have to have the (as we say) the golden code to unlock features of a device you already own. The DLC of bullshit.
IOTs are pushing us towards subscription hell-scape. We must demand dumb, non-connected machines and devices.
I’m a hobbyist mechanic and I absolutely love how simple older vehicles are. There’s one wire for each thing. The door doesn’t need it’s own computer module like modern vehicles…
In my newest vehicle (a Ford truck), I pulled the fuse for the cellular modem, since I don’t need the manufacturer tracking my every move. Checking my tire pressure or fuel level from my phone is not a feature I care about. Remote start still works fine with the key fob.
There’s getting to be fewer and fewer new vehicles I would even consider buying because of all this interconnected nonsense.
Considering “faster engine” means different tune on the exact same engine nowadays: not much has changed.
Fuck morons who pay this so the corps will continue to do this. They wouldn’t even consider it if people with more money than sense didn’t pay for it. Everything is enshittified until we live in Idiocracy.
At this point, if they can get away charging their customer each time they open and close the door, they would.
Aa, I see you are interested in both our Premium Entry and Egress packages? If you subscribe to both now for only $89.99 a month, you will get 200 entries AND exits from your vehicle for free, every month! That’s a distinct savings over the monthly cost of $49.99 for each package individually. Enjoy additional entries and exits for only $1 each, if you go over your limit.
Terms Apply*
*Applicable double penalty for door usage during peak utilization periods, weekends, and holidays. Doors left open will accrue triple penalties after the first 30 seconds, doubling every 30 seconds thereafter. Any attempts to circumvent usage rules forfeits half of remaining door credits; attempts include but not limited to: climbing out windows, busting through walls like kool-aid man, suicide, etc.