I have a lap cat so I get lots of cat-in-lap time 🐱
I get to work from home every day, and so does my wife.
We each have our office space so we can work in peace but at any point in the day we can just have a chat, we can have lunch together, we can have our evening planned and be out of the door at 5pm
It’s just all so much better than the old office-based life
You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I will try to emulate your good example
2 gbps symmetrical fiber optic internet
What do I need to do to make this happen in my neighborhood? I want to push municipal optical internet at the city level so bad.
I have cable internet and it’s actually fantastic for typical consumer-based ISPs but I’m tired of the horrible upload speeds.
I have the option for 2 gbps but it costs more than the 1gbps connection I have at the moment. Do you get any use out of the higher speeds? Did you have to upgrade your local network gear to take advantage?
Clean tap water.
People have no idea how fortunate this is until it’s gone. Several years ago we had a bad algae bloom in the river that supplies our water and we couldn’t drink it for a couple weeks. Every store in town was out of water and you had people with well water leaving hoses and signs out front of their house offering it up to people. One Pilot gas station tried scalping 6 packs of Dasani for ~$50. It’s so crazy how you take it for granted until you can’t just go to the sink to fill up a cup of water (we have excellent tap water) along with taking for granted the fact that stores have bottled water on the shelves.
Ever since then we’ve kept a small stock pile of water in the garage just in case.
I have a genetic predisposition to be a night owl. I proved it with a DNA test, comparing my results with actual scientific research on various genetic-related conditions. Plus, my mother’s side of the family always stays up super late every night.
Unfortunately, I signed up for the US military when I was 17 and they require you to get an early start every day. So I spent 20 years going to bed when I’m not tired and getting up at godawful early hours of the morning. I would basically get a lack of sleep for a few days until I was so tired, I’d pass out early and get a solid night’s sleep, then start the cycle over again. My days off were the only days I got to sleep in.
Now I’m fully retired and have nothing important going on each day, so I can finally let my body adjust to its preferred sleep schedule. I’m wide awake until 2-4 AM (sometimes later), then I sleep until 10 AM to 1 PM. It’s so nice not having to set an alarm anymore and naturally wake each day. I’ve never felt so rested!