I have a lap cat so I get lots of cat-in-lap time 🐱
I take almost 30 minutes to make 2 eggs some mornings, but they’re perfectly cooked and wonderful.
Absurd? On the Daily?
How do we define absurd? As in a lot of people on the planet don’t have it? That would be a lot of things. Absurd as in "out of the ordinary? Absurd relative to the people in the same socioeconomic group? I’m boring. Nothing.
I guess I’ll try this: A decent job that is allowing me to have medical insurance and get paid enough that I can save money and hopefully have enough money to retire, or work a little maybe just for insurance in retirement.
I don’t think I enjoy that fact because I’m always aware that it is a situation that a shitton of people will never reach, and that’s what makes it feel like a luxury.
Beers and cocaine. I might have a problem.
I have this comforter I bought at a consignment sale for 15 dollars years ago. Every day I revel in how much I like it.
clean water