Is the new #zed editor mostly hype rn?
I can believe it’s good and cool ( built in graphics and collab seem to me like good ideas).
But as someone who happily stayed with sublime (with LSPs a likely game changer) …
takes like “it’s fast!”, “LSP!”, “it now has snippets!” … along with people telling me it has a plug-in system, but doesn’t (cf python/lua runtimes of sublime/nvim) give me massive hype vibes and honestly just feels very “2020s-tech”.
i have no reason to switch from vim to anything else.
Helix for a better default config. But you’ve probably already set up vim the way you like it.
I tried Helix but my muscle memory around Vim movements was a non - starter for me. Also , Helix wasn’t working out of the box with Vue.JS (it needs to be tweaked a bit.
So I gave a try to LazyVIM and everything works almost as is. I’ll never look back.
I get that peeps are coming from VSCode and I support competition with MS’s EEE of software dev.
But, like, bloat and corporate capture were always the trade offs with VSCode … you all knew that right? is hype. Because it is a product still in development. Windows is not yet officially supported, and they announced Linux like one month ago.
It still lacks some basic features. However, what they already have looks good, it is much more performant that vscode.
I’m not sure when something counts as hype vibes and what the problem with that would be.
It’s a pretty good editor, way faster than VSCode on my machine, but I’m also missing a bunch of features. Those seem unimportant enough compared to the speed for now, so I’ve switched, but switching editors is easy, so I might switch back later. And if other editors get on my radar, I might try them for a bit too. Hype or not, no real harm done.
@maegul @programming I think there is no general answer, as every developer has different priorities.
Zed looks and feels much better than VSCode to me. Also a lot is working out of the box, where you need to install Plugins in VSCode.
But in both Zed and VSCode I miss the good git support of IntelliJ and the overall intelligence of the Jetbrains IDEs. It feels like IntelliJ knows what I’m doing there at 90%, Zed knows like 60% and VSCode like 50%.