I’m so glad I’m not growing up in this age of smartphones, social media, and bullshit generators. Life was hell enough in the 90s without all that noise.
“I’m so glad I’m not growing up in this age of smartphones, social media, and bullshit generators.”
Lol I’m so glad I’m not the journalist or or journalist’s intern who had to poll this question to kids lol. I know I’m being stupid but all I cam picture is that Steve Buscemi meme with the skate board being like, “Hey duuuudes, any of us kids making your Commodore 64’s draw boobies for you?!”
Back in 2005 when I was in school if we saw any teacher talking to students about anything not school related there were rumors that teacher was fucking every student down that hall. In our defense tho 3 out of the 9 science department teachers were relocated or fired for fucking girls from our class. Not in our defense tho, noone knew while we were still in school. We were just assholes.
Who here has kids?
Because the statement: “1 in 10 minors say their friends X” is true for any value of X.
Besides, I had this friend at school who’s stepsister is a model, she lives in Canada. Anyway, you’ll never believe what she did with my friend!
This is a misleading headline. The survey question asked if you know any friends OR CLASSMATES who have generated AI nudes. If just one kid in a large school generates AI nudes and a lot of other kids find out about it, then those kids will answer yes on this survey. So this statistic doesn’t do a good job of indicating exactly how widespread this is.
The whole premise of the survey is absurd. Almost no one would actually admit to using it, so we’re multiplying a super small ratio of admittance by a super large ratio of acquaintance and assuming the two cancel which is almost certainly not true.
It’s all speculation, the only way to know how many people are using these things is by website visit analytics which these companies would never give away (for free).
Still, even assuming Rumor mill inflation drives this down by a factor of 10, and we slash it down, there are a handful of kids probably doing this, which isn’t surprising, bit is extremely upsetting.
Having myself been a horny little perv at that age that surprises me little. Hell, I bet those are low numbers.
I feel like asking kids that question just gives them the idea that most wouldn’t have had
It’s true that there may be some kids who hadn’t thought of it, but I don’t think that’s a good reason not to ask.
I think 14 is a great age to be talking to kids about these issues. At the very least, they need to understand that nudity can be a big deal where minors are involved. There are charities that give talks about it in schools here. “Don’t share nudes of your friends because it’s a serious crime”.
Kids absolutely need to know about this as soon as they’re old enough to have a few minutes alone with any electronic device.
Puberty begins as early as 10 in girls and 11 in boys, so 14 may be a little late, at least for some kids.
Yeah, I just meant 14 is not too young rather than 14 is the correct age.
I’m sure it will be very difficult but my intention with my kids is just to be as open and honest about these sorts of issues as reasonably possible, at any age. I don’t really see why sex and nudity and privacy and respect have to be awkward subjects.
There was recently a “book burning” type rally in my city where some residents were concerned that there was a book at the library that had sex-related topics available to children. I just don’t get it.
Definitely not. I know my 14 year old 4chan dwelling ass would have known about this before 99.99% of the population.
Don’t overestimate teenage innocence, this problem is very much in the public sphere I doubt many teens don’t know about this technology already.
See but us preteen 4channers make up a minority of the population. My little clan of nerds in a midwestern high school was easily less than 10% of the students.