Private Trackers are the way forward.
Private trackers disgust me. What kind of pirate turns away from the world, to re-seeding fragments of files they don’t care about to other cowards with slightly slower rss feeds; all for a chance at enough ratio to get the show you want? It’s a country club, with self-validating assholes, dry hot dogs, and tall fences.
The Mainline DHT is the way forward. There is no social credit here. The kids in Africa are starving, and I will throw them as much as I can, kilobyte by kilobyte, for no reason at all, for I too was a leecher once.
As a leecher with atrocious upload speed. Thank you so much for your service.
I thought I read that private trackers are hard to sign up to. Or that you have to prove yourself somehow and people get stressed about maintaining their ratio. Is that true? If so, that doesn’t sound fun.
The most elite trackers perhaps.
Trackers on /r/opensignups ? Nah they open their doors to the public every now and again.
Would not recommend it to anyone who can’t dedicate a seed box or machine uploading torrents most hours of the day every day. It’s possible to do it without those but difficult. With them it’s merely a matter of using free leech and building a buffer up as well as taking advantage of points systems to get free upload just for keeping torrents seeding even without uploading.
If you only ever grab free leech then all you have to worry about is meeting seed time and activity requirements like logging in every 90 days.
An old computer with an external drive. A raspberry pi, a nas that can run a BitTorrent client. Any would work if one doesn’t want to pay for a seed box. (Most trackers ban shared seed boxes though so you will have to get dedicated)
You do have to get an invite, seed, and maybe toss them a small crypto donation occasionally. The ratio thing depends on the tracker but usually it’s just a requirement to seed back anything for at least a week. Popular torrents become FreeLeech and they don’t count against your ratio.
Because the participants are all vetted, you don’t get RIAA and MPAA shills in swarm trying to vacuum up IPs to start sending nasty legal letters out.
A decade ago when I used public torrents I remember getting those stupid ISP strikes. I know shit-tier regional ISPs would even try to embarrass you with the content you pirated. They’d send you a letter like “the Copyright holder for ‘Anal Hookers of Beijing’ told us they’re big mad at you, and if you do it again you’ll get your service revoked”. Some of these ISPs were integrated with cable companies so they’d freeze your internet and cable, and display the text of the copyright strike on your fucking TV for your girlfriend or grandma to see.
Fuck that noise.
Since using a private tracker I have never received a single cease and desist or ISP warning letter. Then again, I only use Bit Torrent to download Linux ISOs.
Interesting. I’ve got a fast internet connection and a server running 24/7 with Transmission and 9 TB of hard drive space. I run it behind Gluetun/NordVPN to avoid those copyright strikes. My setup has been extremely successful so far. I only delete torrents once they hit a ratio of 1.5 at the moment, though I could extend that if necessary. I don’t use cryptocurrency, though, and don’t intend to start. I assume my setup would be somewhat valuable to a private tracker. Do you have any recommendations?
Edit: oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I, too, only use bittorrent to share Linux ISOs and other non-copyright material. Definitely. Piracy is bad.
Honestly most of the modern movies are so bad that even nobody will most likely want to pirate them
I think we’re all owed a refund and a penalty. What an insult to the original film…
I really don’t know why they made it. If it had been an actual sequel to the original that in some way carried on the story that would have been okay.
Considering how the big corporations are “cracking down” on pretty much anything they want is a clear indication that the shift already happened, the internet is no longer a “free space”
Today the internet is mostly owned by big corporations or billionaires more directly, and they subject no only it but the whole world to their whishes.
The capitalist world is a piece of shit, the good things happen despite capitalism, then capitalism comes along and sabotages and ruins everything to sell you something worse.
Everyday that phrase seems more real " you will own nothing" because you won’t be allowed to own anything, just take a look at the streaming platforms, or any other platform , they remove , they revoke , they block, they delete, they control what you can and can’t do and you can’t do anything about it.
Personally I can’t see it, what have they taken away from me?
I own way more now than I did 20yrs ago when the web was still a bright young thing.
Anything you purchase that is attached to a service and you don’t have any physical copies, you don’t actually own.
There are essentially infinite choices for entertainment these days. Hypothetically, even if they somehow stopped 100% of piracy, I still wouldn’t pay for their overpriced slop.
Reminder that when you pay crunchyroll they use your money to pay for western animation instead of anime production, biggest myth ever that we were supporting the industry.